Lifestyle Changes and Restless Legs Syndrome

If you have that creepy crawly feeling in your legs at night and suspect you may have restless leg syndrome (RLS), seeing your doctor is the right thing to do. However, that doesn't mean your physician will necessarily prescribe medication to ease the sensation. Many doctors say people with mild symptoms of RLS may find relief through simple lifestyle changes.

Cutting caffeine is one place to start, as caffeine often intensifies the symptoms of RLS long term. All caffeinated tea, many soft drinks and even chocolate should be removed from your diet. Alcohol can also make symptoms of RLS worse. So passing on the glass of beer, wine or hard liquor may help as well. Additionally, studies have shown that tobacco may aggravate some cases of RLS, so cut back on smoking and other tobacco products.

In the short term, people with RLS often find walking alleviates their discomfort. Many people with RLS say that muscle massages, a cold or hot pack and a bath or a shower helps. Alternative therapies, such as acupressure, relaxation exercises or yoga have also been shown to reduce symptoms.

How you sleep can affect your condition as well. Healthcare professionals often recommend what they call &good sleep hygiene.& That means following a series of guidelines to make falling asleep as easy as possible. Good sleep hygiene involves:

  • Maintaining a cool, quiet and comfortable sleep environment
  • Going to bed at the same time every night
  • Waking at the same time every morning
  • Using the bedroom only for sex and sleep

Some people with RLS find simple adjustments to their schedules can help. Sometimes that means going to bed later at night, when RLS symptoms may subside.

Exercise can help, too. While sleep experts usually recommend exercise no closer than six hours to bedtime, there are exceptions and some people with RLS seem to benefit from a few minutes on the exercise bike or treadmill just before hitting the pillow.

RLS is usually a lifelong condition and, if lifestyle changes don't bring long-term relief, doctors may be able to help with prescription drugs. However, just a few small changes may bring a relief of your symptoms and a comfortable night's rest.

Copyright HLTHO - Healthology
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