Unabomber Disgruntled Over Use of Cabin

Ted Kaczynski, who is serving a sentence at a supermax security prison in Colorado, is legally objecting to the display of his single-room cabin at the Newseum in Virginia. The Smoking Gun has a copy of Kaczynski's well-formatted hand-printed legal petition arguing that the institution dedicated to memorializing the media should not be displaying the Montana cabin that he inhabited while writing his manifesto and mailing bombs to various people he disliked. The document argues that the appropriation of his 10x12 foot cabin could be harmful to the victims that survived his postal attacks. "The government is responsible for the public exhibition of the cabin. This has obvious relevance to the victims' objection to publicity connected with the Unabom case." Kaczynski's cabin is part of a display called "A Mad Bomber and His Manifesto." Its inclusion at the Newseum is due to the fact that The New York Times published the Harvard-educated mathematician's 35,000 word anti-technology screed in cooperation with the FBI in 1995, in an effort to uncover leads in their investigation. The man who is widely known as the Unabomber killed three people with his mail-delivered bombs and injured several others. He received a life sentence by agreeing to a guilty plea after his brother turned him in as a suspect to law enforcement. One can tour the display of his cabin at the Newseum online <a href="http://www.newseum.org/exhibits_th/fbi_feat/video.aspx?item=unabomber_int&style=k" target="new" here.

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