Jerome Corsi on “Hannity & Colmes”

COLMES: Welcome to HANNITY & COLMES. I'm Alan Colmes getting right to our "Top Story" tonight. Two weeks ago we brought you the exclusive first interview with Dr. Jerome Corsi about his new book, "The Obama Nation." Since then it's shot to number one on the best seller's list. Dr. Corsi joins us once again with some other explosive details from his book. And as you know, liberals like me read your books and get very upset and feel that it's very one sided.

Why do you do this? Are you after Obama because you think he's a dangerous radical and is bad for America? Is that the premise?

DR. JEROME CORSI, "THE OBAMA NATION" AUTHOR: Yes, Alan. I think the premise is right in the subtitle of the book, it's "Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality." I feel Americans know very little about Obama. Four years ago he was a state senator in the legislature in Illinois, and he has not been fully vetted, and I went through 360 pages.


CORSI: . and 680 footnotes to do that.

COLMES: I know you've been challenged on some of the things in the book, I'd like to cover some new ground here. But one of the things you've talked about in the book, the born alive infant protection act. You've gone after Obama claiming he would infants -- children after they were born, basically, and he was very clear that he was against the state law.

He would have supported the national law because they were written very differently, and that this -- in Illinois they already required doctors to care for fetuses born alive during botched abortions.

CORSI: Well, Alan, that's not precisely what I argued. If you take a look at the exact argument said that this was a baby who was late term, induced labor, and the baby was going through an abortion and survived the abortion. Jill Stannic held the baby for -- a nurse -- for 45 minutes until it died.

What Obama argued on the state legislature was he did not want to extend 14th amendment protection to that child, defining it as a human being, otherwise it would have to have full protection not be able.

COLMES: Actually what he argued was the state already had a law protecting that, and, in fact, he would have signed the national law, and there weren't protectors in the state law that would have protected Roe versus Wade. That's what he argued.

CORSI: Alan, what he was arguing was that he was extended this, and this exact law which was passed for the specific late term abortion situation -- where the baby survives. It was designed to protect the baby, and he did not want to define the baby as anything but a fetus.

COLMES: All right. We're going to go back and forth in this, because we disagree about how.

CORSI: We disagree on that.

COLMES: . to define the law. But, OK, because -- but that's one -- the bigger point is.

CORSI: But my point is.

COLMES: . that you're painting him as a radical who would kill babies.

CORSI: No. I'm.

COLMES: He would be terrible for the country.

CORSI: Alan, I never said infanticide. What I'm saying Obama in this argument is yes, Obama wanted to say the fetus did not deserve protection. The mother had an absolute right to an abortion, he argued, and the baby should have -- if the mother wanted.

COLMES: Right.

CORSI: . who was not.


COLMES: Let's move on because I don't want to just stay on one topic. You refer to a YouTube video at the beginning of your book.


COLMES: . where Obama says, "I set a goal of a world without nuclear weapons, I'll develop new nuclear weapons on a secret global ban on production of fissile material. I'll negotiate with Russia."

You know that Henry Kissinger, George Schultz, William Perry and Sam Nunn, in the "Wall Street Journal," laid out a very similar argument but you're not pinning them as radicals.

CORSI: Well, what they argued was Obama had -- did not have their (INAUDIBLE) follow-up. When I asked him how he was going to do it or look to that video, there's no details. He's saying we'll just have (INAUDIBLE) nuclear disarmament.

COLMES: You're referring to a 52-second video versus, you know.

CORSI: Well, Alan..

COLMES: . the same things that these other guys have said.

CORSI: He could have certainly referred to them and said I'm going to use their plan. It's been well.

COLMES: The same argument.


SEAN HANNITY, CO-HOST: Hang on a second, Jerome. Good to see you, by the way.

CORSI: Thank you, Sean.

HANNITY: Congratulations, debut number one on the "New York Times" list.

CORSI: Yes, that's right.

HANNITY: And by the way, what's interesting about this is Nancy Pelosi debuted her book at the same week now. Where does she land on the "New York Times" list?

CORSI: They're saying 1,000 something or other. It was fairly distant.

HANNITY: Yes -- but didn't end up on the list.

CORSI: Right.

HANNITY: But we -- our invitation goes to Nancy Pelosi. If she wants to come on the program.

CORSI: Right.

HANNITY: . we'll offer her the same time that we've given you.

CORSI: Thank you. I think she should come on the program.

HANNITY: Well, it, obviously, was successful twice.


HANNITY: Because you wrote "Unfit for Command" with John O'Neill.

CORSI: Have Nancy call me. I'll tell her there's a great formula, go on Sean Hannity's radio show first to the day. Sean Hannity later in the day, you get a.

HANNITY: You get number one.

CORSI: . best seller.

HANNITY: Well, thank you very much.

I want to go back to the abortion issue, because this.

CORSI: Certainly.

HANNITY: This is very important.

CORSI: Right.

HANNITY: This is so very important here.

CORSI: Right.

HANNITY: This is about children that were born alive.

CORSI: Exactly.

HANNITY: And give them more specifics whether or not we would protect them.

CORSI: That's right. See, this baby, it was a late term, it was forced labor. The baby was going to be aborted, the baby had down syndrome, the baby survived the abortion. OK? And the parents and the doctor threw the baby away in a soiled linen closet. This nurse, Jill Stannic, came across the baby. She held it for 45 minutes until the baby died.


CORSI: The law was introduced in the Illinois legislature to prevent this from ever happening again, and Barack Obama refused to say that that was a baby. He wanted to define it as a fetus so the 14th amendment protection would not be extended.

HANNITY: That's right.

CORSI: . to preserve its life.

HANNITY: One of the things you talk at length about is both Barack Obama and his campaign manager.


HANNITY: .. David Axelrod, and you talk about a packaging of the candidate.


HANNITY: You say that Axelrod is Obama's image master, and you say he specializes in packaging black candidates for white voters.

Now Bill Clinton had said that they played the race card against him. We have the comment that he said, oh they're going to make fun of me.

CORSI: Right.

HANNITY: Make you fear me, and he has a funny name, oh and he's black.

CORSI: Right.

HANNITY: And he doesn't look like those guys on the dollar bills.

CORSI: Dollar bills, right.

HANNITY: Is that what you meant? Is that what you were referring to?

CORSI: Yes, I'm saying also that, yes, they're -- they're trying to preempt any criticism of Obama as a racial remark. They're trying to say you can't say anything about Obama. The whole idea of this cult of personality for Axelrod -- and he did it with Deval Patrick, the governor of Massachusetts.

HANNITY: Who he told the line of (INAUDIBLE)

CORSI: Yes, and Duval was an Axelrod client. It surrounds these broad themes, you know, hope, change.


CORSI: But to avoid the issue, what are we hoping for? What are we going to change, and how are we going to change it?

HANNITY: All right.

CORSI: Those questions aren't answered in an Axelrod campaign.

HANNITY: I want to get to some of the substance because we've gone through some of his past.


HANNITY: . and his background and his upbringing. And I want to ask you specifically about income redistribution.


HANNITY: Everybody that I talk to now, the number one issue on their mind right now is the economy, the high.

CORSI: Right.

HANNITY: . the price of gasoline. By the way, inflate your tires.

CORSI: And wear a sweater.

HANNITY: But -- wear a sweater.

CORSI: Everywhere.

HANNITY: But you talk at length, and you give a really strong summary about his belief in income redistribution and the global poverty act that he supports.

CORSI: Exactly. And that's why I go so deeply into his background with Saul Alinsky. "The Rules for Radicals" was Alinsky's book. The whole purpose of Obama being in Chicago as an Alinsky organizer, radicalize communities, redistribute income. He carries that right through.

Today, with this global poverty tax, there's an idea to take through the U.N. 0.7 percent of GDP and add a whole new level to our foreign aid program which basically is a tax on U.S. citizens for the global poverty.

HANNITY: All right. Hang on. We'll come back. More with Jerome Corsi -- Dr. Corsi right after the break.

And still to come, now we're all eager to hear who the candidates will pick for VP, and with the conventions just 13 days away, an announcement could literally be days away. So one of the men rumored to be in the running is Louisiana governor, Bobby Jindal. He'll give us his take.

And John Edwards' affair, his time line isn't exactly adding up. And we have pictures to prove it. We'll sort through the inconsistencies to continue -- that continue to emerge.

ANNOUNCER: "Top Story" is brought to you by.


HANNITY: And we now continue with the author of the number one "New York Times" best seller, we launched it right here on this program, "The Obama Nation" by Dr. Jerome Corsi.

One of the things you talk at length about radical associations, different ones.


HANNITY: . that we have talked about, even the inspiration of Malcolm X, famous for.


HANNITY: . blue eyed devils, and.

CORSI: Right.

HANNITY: . you know by any means necessary, and all these other comments of his.

Talk about these radical associations?

CORSI: Well, I mean, it begins -- Malcolm X is a good starting point because Barack Obama says Malcolm X resonated the most with him reading as a young man. Remember as a young man, Obama was now influenced -- even in high school -- by Frank Marshall Davis, the communist.

HANNITY: Explain. You go into a lot of details about this.

CORSI: He was a communist poet and a journalist. He moved to Hawaii to retire. Obama has a whole section of the book talking about Frank who has been now fully identified as Frank Marshall Davis. And Obama said he went over -- you know, this is a time when he was doing drugs, doing -- was doing marijuana and cocaine, he was drinking alcohol, smoking cigarette.

HANNITY: Do we -- do know if he ever sold drugs which is a question that.

CORSI: I -- raise that question. I mean -- and my objection to what Obama says is Obama says well, you know, in college he -- it were -- he quit drugs. My whole point of the book is self-reporting from people they admit they used drugs is not reliable as to when they quit.

HANNITY: All right. Back to these radical associations. You talk about Saul Alinsky.

CORSI: Yes. Saul Alinsky.

HANNITY: You talk about this communist mentor of his.

CORSI: Absolutely.

HANNITY: You talk about Malcolm X, you talk about Kenyan Odinga communism and even Islam and you even quoted the "New York Times".

CORSI: Right.

HANNITY: . as saying that he spoke perfect.

CORSI: Perfect Arabic in the -- he went to Nicholas Kristof's office.

HANNITY: Nicholas Kristof.

CORSI: . in the "New York Times," and he recited the call to prayer at sunset in perfect Arabic, and Kristof wrote about it and said, you know, Obama says it's the most lovely sound at sunset, and Kristof said, well, don't tell that to the voters in Alabama.

HANNITY: Well -- he did -- why didn't the "New York Times" release the tape?

CORSI: I'd like to hear the tape.

HANNITY: I'd like to hear tape.

CORSI: And also -- I also proved in the book that Obama did have Islamic instruction. Wasn't out in a madrasa.

HANNITY: Do you agree he's a Christian? You accept that.

CORSI: I said if he says he's a Christian, that's what we'll accept. Also, the only definitive proof we have that Obama is a Christian was -- in his 30's when he got baptized at Trinity United Church.

HANNITY: I want you to go back to the issue of Odinga.

CORSI: Yes, Odinga.

HANNITY: And explain why this is important and -- because I don't think a lot of people fully understand the situation.

CORSI: It's critical because in 2006 when Obama was in Kenya as a senator, he supported Raila Odinga, the radical socialist that was -- the family -- Odinga family was tied to Obama's family. Raila Odinga virtually, extreme socialist, made an agreement were the Islamicists, you know, Sheik Abdullah Abdi in Kenya, that he would expand Shari'a law if the Muslims voted for him.

Obama was asked virtually -- the government of Kenya said to Obama you've got to get out of our country in 2006. You're interfering with our election. Obama then -- Odinga lost the election in December 2007. There was a wave of violence including massacres of Christians.

These Christians and elders in a little village, 50 Christians came into this church and refuge. The Lou mob, and that's -- Odinga is a Lou tribesman, Obama is a Lou tribesman in Kenya. They burned the church down and killed the people.

Obama was on the telephone contact with Odinga daily through the New Hampshire primary, and entered despite the violence, despite the Islamic agreement, to work with Condee Rice and Kofi Annan to get Odinga now (INAUDIBLE) of the country.

COLMES: All right, Dr. Corsi, we're very limited on time here. Still some ground I want to cover.

Tell me two good things about Obama.

CORSI: He reads a good speech off a teleprompter. That's number one. And I do admire his suits. He dresses extremely well.

COLMES: So on the surface he can read off a teleprompter.

CORSI: He does very well. One of the best I've seen.

COLMES: In terms of the depth -- does he have any good policy positions?

CORSI: He's a radical, as I say. And he's good.

COLMES: No, no. Does he have any good policy positions? Name one thing you agree with him on.

CORSI: One thing I agree with him on. Let's see. How much time do I have?

COLMES: You can't think of one thing?

CORSI: I can think of nothing that comes to mind immediately.

COLMES: Not one thing that you agree. He's a radical.

CORSI: He's a radical in his policies.

COLMES: He shouldn't be president. He's going to ruin the country, and we should all be scared that he can speak fluent Arabic.

CORSI: You're taking it to the extreme.

COLMES: Yes, I'm taking it to the extreme here.

CORSI: You're trying to say.

COLMES: That's exactly what I'm doing.

CORSI: What I'm saying is, Alan.

HANNITY: He's an extremist.

COLMES: I'm taking it to the extreme. That's exactly what I'm doing.


COLMES: He can speak fluent Arabic,


COLMES: And he knows people like Odinga.

CORSI: My whole point is.

COLMES: . and we've got to be really scared about him, right?

CORSI: . let's get the truth about him on the record. When he says he has never had Islamic instruction, that's not true. When he says he doesn't know what, you know, Minister Wright.

COLMES: No, he said he's not -- he's not Muslim. That's not true.

CORSI: OK, well he says never was a Muslim. He was registered with his stepfather as a Muslim in Indonesia.

COLMES: If he was born to a father who happened to be Muslim that's not as a child making a decision to be a Muslim.

CORSI: Well, in six to 10, I mean he was -- let's get the record straight. Let's have him say yes, I was Islamic at that time.

COLMES: And so what if you're a Muslim? Is that supposed to scare people?

CORSI: No, but I want the truth told.

COLMES: But is that supposed to scare people that oh my god he's a Muslim?

CORSI: No, I didn't say.

COLMES: He knows Arabic, he knew Odinga.

CORSI: I want the truth told.

COLMES: We're supposed to be scared, right?

CORSI: Alan, you're, again, trying to take it right back to the -- you set me up. I'm trying to scare everybody.


CORSI: I'm trying to tell people the truth. People from there can make their own judgment.

COLMES: All your.

CORSI: That's what the book was about.

COLMES: Your quote mostly right wing sources.


COLMES: You (INAUDIBLE) Andy Martin who takes credit.

CORSI: Alan.

COLMES: . who's spreading that he's a Muslim.

CORSI: I've got 680 footnotes in there.

HANNITY: The "New York Times".

CORSI: Over a hundred books cited in here. This book -- I go to the Kenyan newspapers, the Indonesian newspapers. I go to primary sources.

COLMES: You go to "World Net Daily" from whom you work, you go to Andy Martin, you go to mostly conservative.

CORSI: It was 680 sources in there.

COLMES: And mostly anti-Obama sources.

CORSI: Look, there -- the sources that are primarily are primary sources. They're sources -- the books, for instance, Reverend Wright says go to James Cone.

COLMES: You don't claim it's a fair and balance quote, right?

CORSI: I go to James Cone. No, I think it is a fair and balance.

COLMES: Really?

CORSI: And I'll support it as a fair and balance book. And I'll yet to debate.

COLMES: So give me the -- you didn't give me one positive thing where you agree with Obama if it's fair and balance.

CORSI: Why do I have to agree with Obama on any particular point?


CORSI: Once I analyze where radical income distribution, taxing, as the policy positions, and much weaker.

COLMES: That's an opinion.

CORSI: Well, those are the points I'm arguing in those speeches and presentations.

COLMES: All right. Thanks for being here.

CORSI: Great pleasure.

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