Bob McGovern: New Age Healer Who May Have Blabbed to Enquirer

Californian spiritual adviser set up tabloid ambush of John Edwards

Enquiring minds want to know more about Robert McGovern, the "spiritual advisor" and friend of Rielle Hunter who arranged the meeting between the erstwhile documentary filmmaker and mistress of John Edwards that was splashed on the pages of the National Enquirer. McGovern lives outside of Santa Barbara and called John Edwards to arrange a meeting at the Beverly Hilton hotel with Hunter, who recently gave birth to a child who Edwards denies is his, according to The New York Times. The Times quotes an on-line biography that is no longer available describing Roberts as "'an intuitive' and 'a healer since 1988' who had worked 'with energy in the area of the emotional fields.'”The Gray Lady actually got itself into trouble for lifting most of the background information about Roberts from a site called without attribution. John Edwards told Nightline that McGovern was the person who rented a pair of hotel rooms where he met with Rielle Hunter and her infant daughter. When the former presidential candidate tried to slip out of the hotel unnoticed at 2:45 a.m., he was ambushed by a number of Enquirer reporters and photographers who chased him into a bathroom. Edwards initially denied any relationship between him and Hunter, but later admitted that he'd had an extramarital affair with her while Elizabeth Edwards' cancer was in remission. Whatever his role in exposing the Edwards-Hunter affair, Bob McGovern has now clammed up and is in seclusion with his wife at their modest-sized ranch house, according to the Daily News.

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