New Penn Station May Get a Target

Developing entertainment-retail-transportation-NYC landmark hybrids is never a simple affair, and the long-enduring debate over the Farley Post Office-Penn Station-Moynihan Station project is just the latest monolith.  All that aside, we heard there may be a TARGET.  Let's make it happen, people! 

We do understand the primary function of the complex will be to house a massive post office and historical landmark, as well as moving Amtrak's hub from the home it owns across the street, but even the whiff of Manhattan's first Target has us paying attention.  Our only request: please, please, please give it more loving care than the Atlantic Station outpost.  And by loving care, we simply mean stocking the shelves on a regular basis.

The Moynihan Station Development Corporation is still in the process of vetting architecture designs, but the latest entry by HOK Architects includes the restoration of the structure's original grandeur, swathed in spectacular modernity and, best of all, a big-box tenant like Target. 

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