Cutting Back on Caffeine

With New York City ranking in the top 10 of most caffeineted cities in the country, it's no wonder we also risk the consequences of caffeine overconsumption: anxiety, nervousness, digestive problems, and sleeplessness.

For most people, 200 to 300 micrograms of caffeine per day (about two to three cups of coffee) won't cause any negative effects, according to the American Dietetic Association. It even has some health benefits, like lowering the risk of diabetes, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.

But if you're drinking more than three cups, it may be time to cut back. Here are some ways to slowly wind down the caffeine consumption, according to the ADA:

  • Cut your caffeine intake in half by mixing decaf and regular.
  • Substitute coffee with decaffeinated and herbal teas.
  • Eliminate other sources of caffeine from your diet, such as sodas, cocoa and some cold medicines (check ingredient labels).

Like any other food that doesn't contain essential nutrients, says he ADA, the key to caffeine is moderation.

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