Tragically Hip: Nicki Minaj Wears Pearl-Encrusted Bodyhose

We understand by now that Nicki Minaj falls into the camp of performers who prefer to wear costumes both on and off the stage. But the rapper's recent get-up for her 26th birthday last week looks like an ill-fated tribute to another famously-flamboyant diva: Cher.

The sparkly, crystal and pearl-encrusted bodysuit designed by Phillipe and David Blond of The Blonds—a label that's becoming a popular pick amongst lady performers who like to dress as loudly as they sing—reminds us of that fake snow powder that people in California spray on their windows.

Even the carefully placed embellishments clustered around Minaj's nether regions are much too much. They're meant to conceal, yet one can't help staring. Oh if only Cher could turn back time...

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