Tracy Anderson Designs Workout Pants for Edition 01

Trainer-to-the-stars Tracy Anderson—famous for whittling Gwyneth Paltrow's post-baby body and scultping Madonna's famous biceps—is the latest celeb to team up with Edition 01 for a series of limited-edition workout pants designed to compliment the four different body types detailed in her "Metamorphosis" program.

"Over the years I became frustrated when women would ask me where I get my leggings, only because I am constantly cutting, tailoring and mixing the fabrics in the ones I wear," Anderson explains on the company's website.

"Through my method, I know that the perfect legging is not a one size fits all."

Like the "Metamorphosis" DVDs customers are encouraged to purchase based on target areas like abs, hips, butt, or thighs, Anderson's workout pants are designed to improve the appearance of particular body parts.

The "Hipcentric" legging, for example, claims to slim the outer thigh with a double layer of fabric on the inner leg, while the "Omnicentric" crop is designed for "all-over" control.

Even with the elaborate claims the $125 price tag feels steep. For that kind of cash, we'd expect more "tech-centric" features like sweat-wicking technology or chafe-proof seams (but maybe that's the next stage in Anderson's "metamorphosis" into a fashion designer).

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