One to Watch: Whetherly

Flip through the latest lookbook for Leila Nasseri's LA-based line, Whetherly, for a crash course in pretty-young-thing dressing.

Comprised of perfectly over-size T-shirts, cozy knits, and easy (if daringly short) dresses, Whetherly supplies wardrobe staples to women who like their fashion with a side of tousled bed head.

Nasseri, who worked as a trend forecaster before striking out on her own, claims that Whetherly was initially conceived as a means of building versatility into her wardrobe.

"For some time I was finding myself wanting more from the pieces in my closet." she explains. "Working in the apparel industry had given me a front seat to all the ins and outs of making a worthwhile collection ... becoming a fashion designer was never the goal, but it has been a wonderful consequence."

To distinguish her breezy basics from market competitors, Nasseri focused not only on fit, but also on fabrics and quality materials that wouldn't fray or pill over time. "A great hand and quality sewing is very important," she says. "Together they can automatically distinguish a quality product." Indeed, Nasseri's effortless little black dress is exactly the kind of "go-to" you wold hope to find hanging in your closet during a party-dressing pinch.

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