How Fashion Designers Unwind After Fashion Week

Industry folks will concur that the glitz and glamour of Fashion Week is often attended by crippling blisters, under-eye circles, and Vita Coco hangovers.

Which is precisely why serious rest and relaxation is due come Day 9, be it in the form of a post-Fashion Week nap, a hot stone massage, or a long, steamy shower. Here, three of our favorite designers share the relaxing routines they enjoy once the tents are closed for the season.

Chris Benz: "I unwind with the buyers and my sales team in the showroom. It's so great and such therapeutic closure to play dress-up with our customers and see how everyone puts together the collection in their own way!"

Lela Rose: "I hope my unwinding process starts this weekend as it has been a whirlwind up to now. I am looking forward to spending the weekend relaxing and hanging with my husband and the kids. I am hoping we get to ride our bikes and picnic at Governor’s Island."

Kaelen Haworth:  "Wine always helps me wind down, but I'm ready to just have dinner with friends and family. I went to Osteria Morini last week, and I want to go every night of my life!"


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