Fashion Week Survival Guide: Don't Sleep, Carry Shoe Options

When it comes to survivng New York Fashion Week--you know, with limbs intact and malnutrition avoided--a few simple tricks can save your stylish rear. This week, we've been talking to industry Big Heads and stylish laypersons about keeping their cool during fashion's most demented seven days.

According to Richard Chai, surviving Fashion Week is all about embracing the unavoidable lack of sleep:  "I just run on the adrenaline that comes with not sleeping--you can't avoid it, so why fight it?" Sort of reminds us of finals season in college. "Other than that, I just try to see my friends and hang out, be normal, and have a good time." We tried to keep Chai's wisdom in mind yesterday as we struggled to upload video footage into the wee hours of the morning.

In our own experience, more crucial than not sleeping are the contents of your tote bag, which can make the difference between crumbling on the curb and breezing through the bedlam.  In addition to moleskine notebooks, gum, backup pens and nine hundred chargers, one needs to have a good pair of flats. We cannot overemphasize this: heels suck after a blizzard. Having said that, we wouldn't trade the past 48 hours of "Editors on Ice" for the world.

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