“Fashion Star” Pieces Sell Out at Retailers

While some fashion critics weren't big fans of new NBC show "Fashion Star"'s format and lack of high style, it seems as though the buyers who bid on some of the looks on last night's episode were right on the money.

H&M purchased a sexy blue dress designed by Sarah Parrott (which, as it turns out, costs less than $20), and the dress reportedly sold out in less than 45 minutes online. Saks Fifth Avenue bought a versatile mini-skirt designed by Orly Shani ($350) is also already sold out, less than 24 hours after the show ended at 11 p.m. on Tuesday.

Macy's made a few purchases on the show's first episode, though only the caftans by Nikki Poulos are sold out as of yet.

While it's possible that some of the retailers placed smaller orders to ensure a quicker sell-out, H&M's Nicole Christie told Fashionista that the store placed its "normal order," and that the dress was, in fact, stocked at 101 locations. For those interested in buying the dress themselves, it sounds like heading to a brick-and-mortar store will yield you better luck than looking online.

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