Designers on Summer: Samantha Pleet Takes Peru

Fresh off a double-date trip to Peru, green designer Samantha Pleet filled us in on her summertime adventures, from hiking the Inca trail to putting the finishing touches on her Spring 2012 collection (including her swimwear debut) and a shoe collaboration for Fall 2012.

Summer Getaway
I just returned from a journey to the Sacred Valley of the Incas in Peru. I went with my husband, Patrick, and our friends, Marc and Susanne. We all found so much inspiration! We explored ancient ruins, hiked the Inca trail and met characters and creatures such as llamas, shamans and textile weavers. The local food was great. I even hugged, and then ate, alpaca!

Warm-Weather Activities
Balcony gardening, hunting for waterfalls upstate, foraging through weekend antique markets and rendezvous-ing with friends at outdoor cafes.

Beat-the-Heat Solution
When I'm not in my air-conditioned office designing, I spend a lot of time outside in the hot sun producing my line in New York City's Garment District. I try to keep off the hot sun with a big hat.

Summer Workload
I'm finishing up my Spring/Summer 2012 collection, which will include swimwear, and I'm also working on a shoe collaboration for Fall 2012. I'm getting ready to ship the fall collection. The clothes are departing on their own journey to stores and closets around the world.

Childhood Memory
I think my favorite memories are from summer nights, dancing under the stars with the fireflies and my neighborhood friends. When I wasn't doing that, it was the summer trips I took with my family, a habit I will never shake.

Summer Uniform
A light-green linen suit with matching shorts and the ivory walkabout shirt from the spring collection.

Summer Song
A Hundred Highways by Dirty Beaches.

Summer Treat
Pisco Sours from Peru.

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