Designer Sues Whitney Port over Designs

What nice timing: just as Whitney Port is ready to debut the second season of The City, she gets slapped with a lawsuitAdrienne Baravetto is suing Port and her father over non-payment, claiming she designed the Whitney & Eve line.

According to Baravetto, she had a verbal agreement with the Ports that she'd design a collection called Eve & A, and in return, she'd receive a salary of $80,000 and 25 percent stake in the company.  However, she claims the duo changed the name to Whitney & Eve when it was bought by Fred Segal and other big-name boutiques and cut her out of the deal. 

Unfortunately, since there was no written contract, it boils down to a matter of he said-she said, and (of course) the Port camp has countered that the allegations are completely unfounded. No matter what the truth is, we hope this be a teaching moment to all you designing hopefuls: Always get it in writing.

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