Clippings: Louis Vuitton World Cup Trophy Case Edition

-- With good reason, World Cup frenzy is sweeping, well, the world this summer, and Louis Vuitton is going right to the heart of the action.  The tournament's trophy, to be exact. Supermodel Naomi Campbell unveiled the LV-monogrammed carrying case that will take the cup to South Africa in style. [LA Times]

-- The MTV Movie Awards will go down tomorrow night in Beverly Hills with hip baby clothing company My Vintage Baby as one of many sponsors.  The label will have a presence at the marketing-a-palooza known as the Style Lounge or somesuch.  [Marketwatch]

-- A new, very important study finds that women spend less and less time getting ready as the week drags on, which, although we don't consider ourselves the picture of normalcy, seems counterintuitive to our own habits.  Monday is usually monochromatic-with-flats day for us, while come Thursday we go snazzier. [Boing Boing]

-- It feels just like summer 2005 on the beach in Ibiza, except it's the June issue of French Marie Claire, which features topless, plus-size models in a swimsuit spread. [Huffington Post]

-- Oklahoma inmates got fancy new uniforms of yellow-and-white striped pants and pink tops. The spring pastels are stirring controversy, with one side claiming intent to humiliate, and the other (including the undersherriff with a rhyming name, Rhett Burnett) cite the need to differentiate the prisoners from all those free people walking around in head-to-toe orange jumpsuits.  Next up, Swarovski crystal-encrusted handcuffs.  [Racked]

-- One little citizen will avoid jail on her own recognizance, after writing Catbird a letter of apology for shoplifting a locket.  Be prepared to melt.  [Racked]

-- Glamour Matchmaker, a "brand extension" in cahoots with, will curate the selection of men on the dating site for its readers, perhaps in hopes they can engineer the couplings to follow their own subsequent sex advice? [WSJ]

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