Beauty Trend: Paperself on Their Crazy Paper Lash Extensions

Ladies, prepare for "batting" practice.

Statement nails have been all the buzz since last fall, but judging by the latest catwalks, another extreme beauty trend is in our midst: the statement eyelash.

From hot pink feathers to sequin-adorned lashes, pretty peepers were all the rage on the runways. By far our favorite iteration of the trend, however, comes from London-based design company, Paperself, which fashions meticulous lash adornments entirely from paper.

"The whole concept was inspired by ancient Chinese craft," says brand ambassador Charlene Chang. "Historically, paper cut-outs were used to decorate windows in China, and the unique patterns had specific cultural meanings. We are doing the same thing for the eye."

Paperself's lash creations are shockingly elaborate, featuring everything from underwater scenes (complete with seahorses and coral reefs) to galloping horses and sprouting peach blossoms.

"People really love them," says Chang. "You can wear the whole thing for a dramatic evening look, or cut them into pieces for something more simple in the daytime. We are using art and craft to make something more meaningful--in this case, a simple accessory like false eyelashes."

As for the elaborate lash trend in general, Chang says things are "changing very quickly" in the beauty business. "Companies are having to come up with brand new ideas in different materials. Expect to see more art and more design this season." Sounds good to us.

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