American Apparel Will Offer Up a Reservation Service

Nobody can criticize the beleagured American Apparel for not putting up a good fight. As the company tries to climb out from the depths of its finance troubles, it's rolling out new sales tactics and consumer-targeted incentives to help boost its weakened sales, including the ability for shoppers to locate and reserve in-store items online.

According to Internet Retailer, the new system (which is already one used by several other online retailers), will launch next month, replacing the current set-up which allows customers to search for items by entering their zip codes, but requires calling stores to place their items on hold.

Considering that American Apparel's shipping costs for can range anywhere between $5 for standard delivery (or free standard shipping for any orders over $75), to $20 for overnight express, this is good money-saving, instant-gratification deal for all, especially given the plethora of stores located throughout New York City

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