Alexandre Herchcovitch: Bright Colors, Splashy Prints, and Spray Painted Buns

Yesterday was a true colors moment for Alexandre Herchcovitch whose Brazilian roots were manifest in his collection's bright palette. Extending beyond the Sao Paolo native's clothes and accessories to include hair (spray-painted buns!) and makeup (lips!) were vivid shades of sorbet—apricot, pistachio, strawberry and lemon—and electrified rain forest hues like chartreuse and turquoise.

A warning to the sartorially-meek: Herchcovitch's intensely-colored top-rimmed sunglasses are not for hiding behind, though the same could be said for the majority of the collection, which also featured large-scale pixelized graphics and splashy paint-spill prints on simple, swingy sheath dresses.

Shimmering silks and satin were also in abundance, though less successful were Herchcovitch's attempts at giving several of the pieces a sort of structural-deconstruction in their seamwork. Whereas last year's football-inspired collection hit several high notes with its use of lines and paneling, the result this go around looked somewhat overworked, especially on the ombre-shaded satins. On the whole, Herchcovitch's collection was ruled by color, which quickly overshadowed any slight missteps and made for a vibrant ensemble.

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