The Scourge of Sex And The City: Cupcake Trashpocalypse

Sex And The City-obsessed tourists have already been booted from Perry Street, but blogger Jeremiah over at Vanishing New York writes that their special brand of pink death is threatening to bury Bleecker Street in their cupcake castoffs. He takes a trip to the Bleecker Playground near Magnolia Bakery to assess the situation:

I went by to check it out and found the park packed with dozens of SATC tourists munching, licking fingers, scattering crumbs for birds, and clamoring around stacks of cupcakes served in plastic tiers on a bench. The garbage cans overflowed with icing-smeared boxes and paper cupcake wrappers. A flurry of napkins and wrappers were tossed on the ground--perfect snacks for the pigeons and rats.

A sign hangs in Magnolia's window asking its patrons to respect the neighborhood, and hey, what's more respectful than feeding the West Village's wildlife?
· Cupcake Trash [Vanishing New York]For more stories from Curbed, go to

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