The Search for the Worst Dressed American

In honor of its 250th episode, TLC's "What Not to Wear" is kicking off a nationwide search for the worst dressed woman in the country. Do you know anyone you'd like to nominate? We're already plotting some candid camera-style nominations of our own, though that might just be too awful to do to a person.

Take a look at the complete contest rules and process on TLC  for an idea of how the whole thing works. Essentially, take a video and photos of the fashion criminal -- women only, of course, and suggestions on the site include filming a secret "closet raid" -- then fill out the questonnaire and release form signing away all your rights to everything for ever and ever. Then cross your fingers and wait. Also, horror of horrors, there's a self-nomination section, in case you want to put yourself out of your own misery.

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