Oh, The Horrors!

It's not every day that severely over-hyped U.K. bands go on to not only survive their status as NME-darlings, but manage to shake off the backlash and get better.

Such is the case with U.K. mope-pop purveyors The Horrors, who caused a ruckus across the pond when they debuted with their frantic goth-punk single "Sheena Is A Parasite," and then got the usual backlash for their debut Strange House.

They kept going, though, eventually willing themselves into becoming an altogether more interesting act that combines classic British pop songwriting and ear-tickling guitar-effects trickery while still holding onto some off their old scrappiness.

You can check out the results of their hard work when the group drops by the Music Hall of Williamsburg on April 9 and April 10 in support of last year's Skying, which often brought to mind a John Hughes soundtrack as performed by depressed people prone to outbursts. This is meant as a compliment. 

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