LCD Soundsystem: The Beginning of the End

We knew this day would come. Since early February we have prepared for today and yet, I could not feel any less ready to begin a weeklong goodbye to what will undoubtedly go down as one of the best bands of our generation, (I say “our” because I assume anyone who reads my writing is exactly the same age as me; it’s a poor assumption, but it's mine).

Yes readers, that knot in your stomach can only mean one thing -- today marks the beginning of the end for LCD Soundsystem.

While some may look at this like a hero saddling up before walking off into the sunset as the end credits of a fantastic musical career begin rolling, I’m taking it a bit more personally.

To me, this is a weeklong breakup. It began in February when lead singer James Murphy essentially told us, “We need to talk” and proceeded with the news that LCD Soundsystem would play their final show on Saturday, April 2 at Madison Square Garden.

Like any good breakup, Murphy tried to soften the blow by assuring fans that, “It’s not you, it’s me,” but that kind of statement never makes a breakup any easier to swallow.

Murphy wanted us to know that the “retirement” of the band was for a number of reasons: the band aging, the band accomplishing all they could have hoped for and Murphy having a number of other "things" he wants to do with his life.

It would appear as though LCD Soundsystem's time has come, and as Murphy stated in “Dance Yrself Clean,” the lead track from their last album This is Happening: “I wanna play it ‘til the time comes.”

Or maybe the whole trip was over before it started and the band’s obituary was already written when Murphy penned, “Losing My Edge.”

Murphy had hinted at this ending last year, but the finality of the breakup was not felt until the tickets for Saturday’s gig sold out in moments.

We’ve all heard enough about that controversy, so I’ll let it rest, but the ramifications of that situation took our eventual last meeting from an afternoon lunch where we exchange possessions, to a weeklong relapse where we will hole up together and passionately seek a moment of clarity that can justify why something so perfect must come to an end.

Let’s hope the next four evenings at Terminal 5 help provide us with enough closure so that Saturday’s gig can simply be enjoyed like the good old days.

I feel certain that this breakup will not be the last time we see each other. There will be an LCD Soundsystem reunion. I will travel for it – no matter where it is – and once we are in a room together it will have a hint of awkwardness, but when the music starts we’ll fall right back into our old routine of them completely rocking and me remembering why can never stop loving this band.

So with that I'd like to wish LCD Soundsystem good luck on this weeklong journey. We're all in this together even if you are the one calling all the shots. Promise us one thing though, don't make this breakup easy on us. Leave it all out there.

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