Teddy Thompson Hopes Twitter Dies Before He Does

Teddy Thompson’s just-out fifth album Bella has critics raving and invoking the likes of Buddy Holly and Roy Orbison. (The singer-songwriter’s got some choice genes—he’s the son of folk legends Richard and Linda Thompson.) Just off Friday’s City Winery show, Thompson stops by fellow redhead Conan tonight, then plays the Rubin Museum on Friday March 25, part of his tour with the Old 97’s. (Advance tickets are sold out; try Craigslist.)

Name: Teddy Thompson
Age: 35
Lives in: NYC
Occupation: Musician
What are you up to these days?
Just finished a UK tour, about to head out to LA for some radio and TV (playing, not listening/watching)
What was your first real job?
Errand boy at a film production company in LA. Taking film cans to screening rooms, picking up lunches, etc.
First record you ever bought?
Wet Wet Wet, With a little Help From My Friends
Where do you go to unplug?
The steam room at the gym.
What time do you wake up?
Anytime. Depends what I've been doing night before.
Where was your first NYC gig, and what do you remember about it?
I think it was at Fez, which is gone now but it was down in a basement on Lafayette. I remember being so happy to be there, playing a show, in New York! Magic. 
Top three songs in your iPod rotation these days?
I don't have an iPod. Never listen to music on the go. But at home or in the car it's never the same. I mix it up. 
What do you splurge on?
Clothes, hotels, little luxuries. Oh, and headphones, always buying headphones.
To when do you point your time machine?
1955, anywhere USA. 
Best meal you’ve ever had in NYC?
Just now at Il Buco.
What’s your drink?
Jack and Ginger for now.
First childhood memory?
A chicken stealing my cookie.
What’s your pre-show ritual?
Distract myself with anything or anyone so I don't stew.
Do you Google yourself?
Most treasured possession?
My voice.
Fill in the blank: In a previous life, I was ______.
What’s your favorite thing about yourself?  
My sensitive disposition. 
Who are your heroes?
My mum, Ray Charles, [Scottish footballer and current manager of Liverpool F.C.] Kenny Dalglish, and most of all teachers and doctors/nurses.
What scares you?
What’s your next project?
I want to make a record with my band, Poundcake. We play classic 50s and 60s rock ’n roll/country.
Fill in the blank: I’ll know I’ve really made it when __________________.
I'm happy.
Tweet your obit (140 characters or less).
I don't tweet and I sincerely hope the trend passes before I do.


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