Suntan Alternatives

Afraid of losing your summer glow? Fear not!

Just a handful of decades ago, the lengths that worshipers of the Golden Orb would go to in order  to enhance their tans seem quite alarming by today's standards.  Some slathered themselves in olive oil and risked burning to a crisp or sliding off their lounge chairs while others attempted to maintain their dignity while holding up truly awkward foil reflectors beneath their leathery faces. Eventually, both of these options revealed themselves to be most unwise, and tanning beds suddenly appeared on the scene. These newfangled contraptions allowed patrons to fend off pastiness by lying and baking in a plexiglass coffin and a pool of sweat. Of course, this option also had its own share of drawbacks and so the hunt was on for the next big idea. And that brings us up to date with the latest in suntan technology. Behold the big shpritz.

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