Spring Looking Good for New Burg Cinema & Condos

Things have been moving along pretty quickly at the Metropolitan Cinema & Condos, the indie movie theater on Metropolitan Avenue that will be topped by apartments. Now, there's a target opening date: Spring '09. The Cassandra Cinema website, which had been pulled down for a while, is now back with some added details about the facility and the people that will be running it. (Food to come from Rice, for instance.) There will be nine condos in the three stories above the cinema, which will have a 168-seat theater. There will also be a cabaret and a cafe at street level. Plus that "custom zinc and cut glass façade." The original opening target was Spring '08, but you know, stuff happens.
· Lights! Camera! North Brooklyn! [TRE]
· Cassandra [cassandracinema.com]
· Burg Theater Watch: Metropolitan Cinema & Apts. Rising Fast [Curbed]

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