ROLL CALL: Brad Pitt's Pig Problem

Your Daily Dispatch of Celebrity Shenanigans

Brad’s Pig Problem: As if photographers scaling the walls of his French chateau wasn’t enough of a headache, Brad Pitt has to contend with a whole other set of pigs — the animal kind. The actor has reportedly met with a local boar-hunting association, who hunt herds of wild boars that run amuck in the French countryside near Brad and Angelina’s new home, according to OK! Magazine. The boar hunters were reportedly concerned about Brangelina’s tight security infringing on their local hunt, so the actor reached out to them to find a solution. No word how Brad and the hunters will deal with the boars, but we’re guessing Maddox, Zahara, Shiloh and Pax will be having fresh bacon for breakfast.

Blog-Free Summer For Rosie: Rosie O’Donnell is an avid blogger, but the Internet scribe will take a web-cation during the month of August. She wrote, “i am taking off august, in blog-ville, 2 c if i can, rosie unplugged, happy summer peeps, peace in, peace out.” Rosie didn’t tell her readers what she’ll be up to on her blog break, but she’s currently in talks with NBC for a new show. Is Rosie finalizing her return to primetime? We sure hope so, TV is always a little more fun with a little Ro’ in the mix.

[ Rosie O’Donnell’s Return To Primetime? - Play it Now ]

Spidey’s ‘Venom’ Gets His Own Film: Watch out Joker, there’s about to be a new bad guy on the block. Sony is reportedly developing “Venom,” a “Spider-Man” spinoff, according to the Hollywood Reporter. “That 70’s Show” star Topher Grace played Venom in the “Spider-Man 3,” but Sony is reportedly not sure the actor can carry the film. The possibility of casting a new star in the role has Hollywood agents in a feeding frenzy. Who should play Spiderman’s most evil foe? Vote on Access HERE!

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