“Project Runway” Season 7 Is “Stacked, Packed and Ready to Attack”

In a new preview for "Project Runway" season seven, premiering at 10pm, Thursday Jan. 14 on Lifetime, the narrator reminds us, "One moment can change a life forever …"

Thanks for that sage, fortune cookie moment of advice, Lifetime. But what we prefer were the pearls falling from the mouth of the contestant we're flagging as this year's early fan favorite, Anthony Williams.

Given extensive face time in the new promo, Williams declares, "I'm stacked, packed and ready to attack." With catchphrases like that, no matter the level of his talent (which seems high based on his audition, also available online), Anthony ought to survive until Bryant Park, not because he's a Wendy Pepper, but because he's hilarious.

Williams is introduced on the "Project Runway" website as a 28-year-old freelance designer from Atlanta, GA., who idolizes Zuhair Murad. If that's his style, we can also expect alluring, show-stopping, Austin Scarlett-esque confections from him. It's Glam-more, dahling.

There’s something about Williams that reminds us of David Alan Grier doing "Men on Fashion," but we mean that in the best possible way. Two snaps up, Anthony. We're pulling for you.  

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