Politics: There's a war going on in…

There's a war going on in the comments thread of our post about Marc Jacobs' support of presidential candidate Barack Obama. Though Marc's political views are pretty well known (he often references them in the windows of his West Village boutiques), some readers appear surprised that he's rooting for Obama. The first comment, "DISGUSTING - I won't be buying any more marc jacobs." A response, "#1- I am sure Mr Jacobs will not be offended if you stop purchasing his product - or any brands with which he is associated. Do you really think that any intelligent, out, gay man could possibly ethically support the McSame/Palin ticket? A ticket that openly hates homosexuals *and*, despite the fact that Ms Palin is a woman, women? That's ridiculous. I say GO MARC!" [Racked Comments]For more stories from Racked, go to racked.com.

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