Pee Yew! Bay Ridge Residents Fed Up with Mystery Foul Aroma

What’s worse than living in a smelly place? Not knowing what it is you're smelling.

For this reason, the neighbors of the Bay Ridge community are demanding stronger power to discover the source of this stench.

What is known, however, the smell has continued to persist since the city spent $6.9 million to connect sewer lines between Marine Avenue and 99th street three years ago.

The residents’ complaining has so far yielded weak reaction.

“The Department of Environmental Protection continues to work to solve this matter and we apologize for the inconvenience this may cause for the community,” spokeswoman Mercedes Padilla, told the Brooklyn Paper.

The alleged “work” Padilla speaks of includes the agencies attempt in 2007 to cover up the rancid smell by placing socks stuffed with pine deodorizer in the sewer.

On Monday, Community Board 10 voted unanimously to increase pressure on their politicians to seek outside professional help.

Councilman Vince Gentile has suggested odor experts like the R.J. Lee Group to put the community out of its stinkin’ misery.

“It’s terrible! Smells like rotten eggs,” said one Ridgite.

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