Park Slopers, Other Brooklynites Peevish About Subway Issues

Hey, with Mr. Real Estate Bubble having been given last rites and being quietly buried in an obscure corner of Greenwood Cemetery under cover of darkness, is it any surprise that Brooklynites are turning up the volume of the whining about crappy subway stations and service? It doesn't help sell $750K condos if people may get killed trying to cross the street to their subway stop. Enter two stories today. Story #1: The canceled redo of the Fourth Avenue Station in Park Slope. Now, some people are pushing for cheap fixes to the station to make it one of the less hideous in the system. People want cafes at street level and newsstands and the reopening of an entrance that might prevent the aforementioned vehicular manslaughter issue. Hint: crossing five lanes of traffic to get in. The MTA says 2012 is going to be a magic fix for some problems. (You can take this to the bank.) Which brings us to Story #2: Some Brooklynites are peevish that Jay St./Borough Hall station is such a crap hole and taking so long to fix. Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz says the station is a "blight on the face of downtown Brooklyn."
· Park Slope advocates push for simple fix at Fourth Ave./Ninth St. stop [NYDN]
· Brooklynites plead with MTA to fix up Jay Street building, subway stop [NYDN]For more stories from Curbed, go to

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