Oh Mrs. O: We were worried when media outlets…

We were worried when media outlets stopped covering every single outfit Michelle Obama was wearing, but BlackBook fills the void today by pointing us towards a blog called Mrs. O that's been carefully tracking Michelle's sartorial choices. On her recent pick of a striped H&M dress: "Mrs. O has proven herself to be a maven at picking silhouettes that flatter. She is committed to her formula (for obvious reasons!): nip the waist, release at the hip (although she does a straight skirt, she never does pegged), and open at the neckline (open does NOT mean décolletage!). The H&M dress hits these all, and as result she looks fantastic! If the fit was off, it would not matter if she was wearing Lanvin or Lands End!" Can we expect a Mr. P site next? [Mrs. O via Blackbook]For more stories from Racked, go to racked.com.

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