Pigs Take Over Irving Mill; Cook Highbrow With Cheetos

Irving Mill's wide-open spaces.
Photo: Melissa Hom

In the magazine this week, Adam Platt visits Irving Mill and its new chef, Ryan Skeen. The space is still too big, but Skeen's talents are estimable; Platt awards the restaurant "one star for the charcuterie, and another for everything else." Platt also visited Inside Park at St. Bart's and found the food "thoughtful, well executed, and generally first-rate," but wonders if the grand space is too much for this economy. If your kid won't eat vegetables, Rob Patronite and Robin Raisfeld have found the recipe for you: broccoli and Cheetos (yes, Cheetos!) from Craig Koketsu at Park Avenue Autumn. We've even got a video demonstration by the chef if you need visual confirmation of the Cheetos. Finally, Intel ponders the notion of the cursed restaurant, noting that Il Bordello is the fourth restaurant to open on Tenth and 23rd since 1998.

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