Jason Neroni Still Hates Bloggers

Photo: Melissa Hom

Jason Neroni is back in the kitchen, at 10 Downing, and just like when we talked to him at Cantina, he’s being perfectly candid with Metromix about bloggers. Except it’s not just bloggers he’s dubious of now — he’s also worried about the fact that Frank Bruni pals around with them. That’s right — respectable newspaper critics have been infected with the virus!

I think Frank Bruni has done me well in the past. He gave me an amazing review at 71 Clinton Street. Unfortunately these days, this blogging atmosphere has clouded people's judgment, specifically because I know that Frank Bruni dines with [Eater editor] Ben Leventhal. And for him to call me "bursting with ambition," it feels good, and I hope that he comes back and enjoys himself here at 10 Downing. But to be honest with you, I'm not paying attention to anybody anymore. I'm just really just trying to bust my ass and do really good food.

Bruni, put yourself on the right path before you end up back at our apartment, doing blow off our Beard award!

Q&A: Jason Neroni [Metromix]

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