It Was Only a Matter of Time: The Culinary School Tell-all

Celebrity chefs have taken to scolding culinary-school students for thinking they’re going to snag a book deal right out of the gate, but maybe that’s not an entirely unreasonable expectation! Next month, Atria will publish Under the Table: Saucy Tales From Culinary School. The author, Katherine Darling, is a French Culinary Institute alum who, it seems, didn’t even become a chef after graduation — her bio says she went on to work at Saveur! Nevertheless, the selling copy promises “psychological warfare over steaming pots of bisque,” celebrity-chef cameos, and realizations, too: “The kitchen, they soon discover, is no place for soft-hearted romantics. It’s a cutthroat world, and no one ever made a soufflé without breaking a few eggs — or cracking a few heads together.” What’s next, Wine-and-Cheese Class Confidential?

Read more posts by Daniel Maurer

Filed Under: Bookshelf, french culinary institute, katherine darling, under the table: Saucy Tales from Culinary School

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