Gusto Closed for Three Days, Fate of Next-Door Space Undecided

After running afoul of the Department of Buildings (a partial stop-work order was issued on the next-door space, also owned by Sasha Muniak, in November of 2007), Gusto has now riled the Department of Consumer Affairs. The restaurant was closed last night, and sales and marketing director David Albiro tells us it’ll be down tonight, too — punishment for parking two smoking tables on the street while its sidewalk-café license was expired (Albiro says it was in the process of being renewed). Yes folks, even in this economic climate, the DCA ain’t foolin’. In happier news, Albiro tells us the restaurant is being remodeled to become more warm and comfortable — a central staircase was removed about a month ago, the banquettes are being redone, and shades of black are being lightened. Meanwhile, it’s not yet certain whether the next-door space will open as an annex or a whole new restaurant. Gusto reopens tomorrow.

Read more posts by Daniel Maurer

Filed Under: department of consumer affairs, gusto, sasha muniak, sidewalk seating, Temporary Closings

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