Cupcake Blog Goes Cupcake Crazy, Undaunted by Cupcake Hater

Today, Vanity Fair’s Jim Windolf comes out against cupcake blogging. Well, Mr. Windolf, get ready for your head to explode: To celebrate its four-year “blogiversary,” the mother of them all, Cupcakes Take the Cake, is throwing a party with free cupcakes from folks like Crumbs, Sugar Sweet Sunshine, Little Cupcake Bake Shop, Kumquat Cupcakery, and Butter Lane: “Prizes include coupons for free mail order cupcakes, cupcake cookbooks (Baked, Baking With Agave Nectar, Confetti Cakes for Kids), cupcake-themed novels, 2009 cupcake calendar, a giant cupcake-shaped cookie jar, red velvet cupcake mix, a cupcake necklace, cupcake t-shirts, cupcake flowers from 1-800-Flowers, and more.” Yay!! cupcakescupcakescupcakes!!!!The fête will be at White Rabbit tomorrow from 6 p.m. till 9 p.m. We’re guessing Mr. Windolf has not been invited.

Read more posts by Daniel Maurer

Filed Under: cupcake takes the cake, Cupmudgeonism, giveaways, Jim Windolf

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