A Tour of Rouge Tomate, Now Open on the Upper East Side

Photo: Hannah Whitaker

Now that we’ve had a closer look at the Oak Room, how's about a tour of Rouge Tomate — another uptown stunner from Monday’s openings. The two-level space has a raised open kitchen, a bar, a lounge, and suspended private booths. Rob and Robin told us the hook here was S.P.E. (Sanitas Per Escam, or Health Through Food), which naturally made us a little curious about Jeremy Bearman’s menu. Actually, menus. Bearman, along with a nutritionist, is offering a selection of “casual dining” entrées ranging from $16 to $21 as well as a three-course, $72 “fine dining” menu. There’s also a $38 prix fixe lunch. And cocktails using ingredients like pumpkin puree and “local yogurt.” Lots of options here, folks. Make sure you take a look at the slideshow; the space and the dishes are really quite striking.

Lunch (Prix Fixe)
Dinner (Casual Dining)
<a href="http://images.nymag.com/images/2/daily/2008/10/20081031rougefinedining2.pdfDinner (Fine Dining)
Dessert (Casual)

Earlier: Restaurant Openings, Week of November 3, 2008: The Oak Room, Rouge Tomate, and West Branch [NYM]

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