New York Post “Stands By” Elle Report

Buried at the bottom of today's "Media Ink" column was Keith Kelly's big brush-off of yesterday's statements by publishing goliath Lagardere (which owns Hachette) saying it had no intentions of forking over Elle Magazine to Hearst, despite the Post's published report that the company had been in talks with Hearst Corporation.

"Media Ink stands by its story," today's column simply concludes, which in our opinion is pretty ballsy when you have a massive publishing company formally denouncing the aforementioned news scoop. Might there be more here than meets the eye? Guess we'll all just have to wait and find out.

Other nuggets in today's column also include details on another publishing giant (Rodale)'s new "wild child" CEO, and the latest cutbacks at Conde Nast -- no more free newspapers.

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