Neighborhood Watch: EV Loses a Pioneer: Two Boots' Pioneer Theater on Avenue…

Two Boots' Pioneer Theater on Avenue A closed after a decade of screening indie fare to pretentious film geeks, and Vanishing New York was at the farewell party (free movies and snacks): "Before the film, theater co-owner Phil Hartman said a few words about the occasion. The farewell party was originally to be a chance to watch his favorite films with family and friends, but, he said, "you are all family and friends," so he opened it to the public. He asked us to enjoy the free stuff and "be cool, you know, don't ask for a giant jug of soda to take home or stuff Milk Duds down your pants." It looks like the whole Two Boots/Pioneer/Den of Cin compound at the corner of East 3rd Street is now for rent. [Vanishing New York]For more stories from Curbed, go to

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