Kerri Walsh Turns 3-0 In Beijing; Spikes Competish

U.S. beach volleyball gold medalist (in Athens) Kerri Walsh celebrated her 30th birthday in Beijing on Saturday night, and then put the icing on the cake on Sunday with a win over Brazil that put her and partner Misty May-Treanor into the final four.

The 21-18, 21-15 victory in two sets lead the pair to their 106th consecutive victory.

Earlier in the week, Walsh told Access Hollywood’s own Billy Bush that nothing would make for a sweeter 30th than another gold medal in Beijing.

[ Access Extended: Kerri Walsh Talks Olympic Volleyball - Play it Now ]

“Are you excited for your birthday here in Beijing,” Billy asked Kerri.

“Absolutely,” she replied emphatically. “What better way to celebrate then with another gold?!”

According to People, on Saturday night Kerri celebrated with 80 friends and family, including her beach volleyball playing husband, Casey Jennings. Last week, Casey offered to buy Kerri a new wedding ring, when she had thought she had lost her ring in the sand in a match against Japan. The ring was later found by a local Beijing beach volleyball volunteer.

[ All Access: 2008 Beijing Olympics - Athletes ]

Before cutting her cake at her party though, People reports that Kerri rhetorically asked the crowd, “Hmm. What should I wish for?”

“It’s got to be gold,” Walsh told People after a toast. “We want to win a gold medal by beating the best in the world.”

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