Jonny Corndawg Is the “Stray Dawg”

You may not know who Jonny Corndawg is, but I’m here to tell you that should change post haste. Not only is Jonny Corndawg one of the sweetest, most genuine people the state of Virginia has ever produced, but he is also one hell of a musician who currently rests his spurs in Brooklyn.

Some music snobs may be quick to judge simply because his moniker includes a misspelling of a fairground classic, but as one author with more talent than all of us combined once wrote, “What’s in a name?”

At the baseline, Corndawg is a singer-songwriter who takes his cues from classic American country outlaws, but with his own twist. His lyrics can be playful, raunchy and informative, but no matter what the subject matter Jonny is always telling a story.

Check out the Daytrotter Session he did in 2010 and you’ll get an understanding of Corndawg’s knack for storytelling through song.

Recently, Corndawg was out on tour with his friends Dawes and while on those travels filmmaker Sean Dunne followed with camera en tough.

The result is the short documentary Stray Dawg that tells the story of a great American on his quest to play shows, spread his homegrown gospel and eventually run a marathon in Los Angeles, Calif. Settle in, click play and get to know the man we call Corndawg:

Expect more posts on Jonny Corndawg in the near future as he gets set to release a new record as the summer months turn to fall, but for now, stop by his website to download “The Life of a Bear” and “Night Rider” which are two songs from his record Down On the Bikini Line.

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