Healthy Holidays: Latke Edition

Go Healthy has already sent less-indulgent spins on ham and egg-nog your way. But let's be honest. There is a LOT of eating going on in the holidays. Our work here is far from over. What's next? 

Well, could we interest you in low-fat latkes? They're a staple of Hanukkah dinners, but anyone who likes the crispiness of fried potato with some near-pancake-like fluffiness, but of course wants to keep things in a reasonable calorie range, can enjoy this recipe, courtesy of the swell folks of About.Com. It's just a 192 calories a serving, and goes great with apple sauce. This recipe will make about 12-15 latkes, give or take a latke.

Here's what you'll need.

1 1/2 pounds Yukon Gold or Russet Potatoes
1 medium onion
1/4 cup flour
2 egg whites
Freshly ground black pepper

And here's what you do.

1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Peel, cut and shred potatoes and onion, using either a grater or a food processor. Place a large cookie sheet in hot oven.

2. Empty shredded potatoes and onion into a colander and squeeze out as much excess moisture as you can.

3. Transfer potato and onion mixture to a large bowl. Add flour, egg whites and black pepper, and combine well with a fork.

4. Remove cookie sheet from oven. Coat with nonstick cooking spray.

5. Form 2-2 1/2-inch flattened rounds with the potato mixture and place on hot cookie sheet.

7. Return cookie sheet to oven and cook for 7-8 minutes each side, until crisp and golden.

Serves 4-5

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