Golden Locals: BLT Steak Wins Coveted Human Trophy

Scrumptious steak earns 53 percent of your votes

Ahhh, the first day of Spring in New York City. The sounds and smells of our metropolis come alive -- time for me to put away my gold long underwear and slip into some comfy gold jockeys (not to give too much away -- in fact, let’s stop right there). 

It was a snowy beginning to the season, but a golden light shined on the second round winner of The Golden Local -- BLT Steak. 

New Yorkers know their steak, and the vast competition for city dwellers' bovine dollars make the race for the best steak even tougher. This was a battle for the ages, and going up against the goldiferous legacy of Peter Luger would intimidate even the toughest, most goldicious competitors. 

The “steaks” were high in this competition, but Chef Laurent Tourondel has never shied away from a challenge. 

“It couldn’t be a better challenge for us, especially against Peter Luger’s. We bring something different, not so formal,” Laurent said. “It’s not stuffy; there are no tablecloths.  It’s [more of a] local joint, where the President can eat [and has] and so can Joe the Plumber.” 

Chef Laurent has brought a French invasion to the American steakhouse and has spun his fresh and exciting take on this most coveted of delicacies to earn a well-deserved place in the Golden Local pantheon. 

Now, I would say I have more of a “steak” in this than anyone else -- and to win the respect of the GL isn’t lightly earned. 

Chef Laurent doesn’t take his food lightly either. He is a serious chef with a serious agenda: to challenge our palates with his stylish flair and at the same time, deliver the finest taste of beef imaginable, as well as a variety of fresh market vegetables and salads.

And the man does not disappoint. BLT Steak is certainly worth its weight in gold.

“It’s an honor to have a live trophy,” said Chef Laurent. 

No sir, the honor was all mine.

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