The Fashion Show Show

Watching this two minute clip of The Fashion Show's first runway presentation felt like one of those Spot the Difference cartoons we used to love in Highlights.

The Fashion Show differs from Project Runway

1. The runway is triangular.
2. There are lots of people in the audience, not just the judges.
3. Stila has major product placement.

The Fashion Show is the same as Project Runway

1. One designer says, "I don't need the money, I don't need the fame, I just want to see people in my clothes," the other says hes from, "the hood" and the other has Christian's haircut & thick black glasses.
2. They live high up in an ultra-modern New York apartment.
3. Tresemme is everywhere.

We'd call a draw, but as a general rule, anything with Isaac Mizrahi wins.

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