If You're In Paris, We're Way Jealous


Not that we wouldn't be jealous on a regular day, especially one that's drizzly and rainy in New York, but today we're even more so.

First, Nina Ricci is selling off the last of Olivier Theyskens' final collection for the house, along with clothes and accessories from past collections too—for prices as low as 40 euros. That's just crazy and quite possibly worth a flight to Paris, in our opinion!

In other Parisian news, Galeries Lafayette is opening a 34,500 square foot shoe department. We can't even begin to wrap our brains around how big that is, but we can't wait for our next trip to the city. There'll be over 150 brands, along with an in-house cobbler and a a pedicure station.

Vive la France.

Sponsored Topics: Nina Ricci - Paris - Olivier Theyskens - Galeries Lafayette - France

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