Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes at Vogue


The internet is buzzing this morning over a post on The Imagist late yesterday that said: "US Vogue is quietly getting a revamp in light of the on-going ad slump. Think a new circle of models, an influx of fresh, young photographers and a desire for 'unpredictability' in the stories."

Hallelujah is all I have to say. That magazine needs a shake up in a big, bad way. Let's just hope they actually follow through, and in a well thought-out manner - truly taking into account the changes in both America in general, as well as the fashion and publishing industries.

This can't be about just throwing money at the situation because really, they already do that. And we're pretty sure those McKinsey consultants aren't going to be increasing anyone's budgets over at 4 Times Square.

But this is a good thing. I've always found that tighter budgets, in the end, lead to more creative solutions and final products.

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