As Seen on the Silver Screen


Across the pond today, Angels The Costumiers are putting up a bevy of costumes from films and television shows at the Bonhams Knightsbridge auction house in London.

The goods include a bullfighter style jacket Johnny Depp wore in The Man Who Cried, and a jumpsuit from the Bond film Moonraker.

How we'd feel about owning something that Johnny Depp once wore aside, we're now making mental lists of which movie's costumes we would bid on.

For me, it would definitely be Audrey Hepburn's dresses and dress suits from Charade, crazy eighties getups from Parker Posey in Party Girl and Madonna in Desperately Seeking Susan, and in my ultimate fantasy, Kirsten Dunst's queenly gowns from Marie Antoinette. Britt's with me on Marie Antoinette and would also kill for Julianne Moore's wardrobe from Boogie Nights and Maggie Gyllenhaal's from Secretary. Abby loves the clothes from either version of The Thomas Crown Affair worn fabulously by Faye Dunaway and Rene Russo, along with some of Gwyneth's pieces from The Talented Mr. Ripley.

Whose wardrobe is on your wish list?


Sponsored Topics: Johnny Depp - Kirsten Dunst - Marie Antoinette - Faye Dunaway - Audrey Hepburn

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