Adventures in Copyright: Celebrity Edition

rachel bilsons edie rose knock off of sretsis.jpg

(A reader tried to leave this in Community, but it was too good not to display front and center.)

Doubtless you've heard of Edie Rose, the capsule collection Rachel Bilson designed for DKNY Jeans.

But it's a more doubtful you've heard of Sretsis, a very small line based out of Bangkok that once had a very brief mention on The Fashionista Diaries.

Or, you could remember that Rachel Bilson was once photographed wearing the green, Sretsis dress at left. And then realize that it must have weighed heavily in her memory in designing the yellow, Edie Rose dress at right.

We guess it's a nice gesture that she left the studs off the neckline, kind of like changing a semi-fictional character's last name to avoid legally-upholdable comparisons.

But then again, as Alexandra pointed out, at least now we know she's been "designing" the line...

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