NY Post Fashion Writer Accuses Barneys of Being Sizist

Between the signage stakeouts, opening day press coverage, and stroller-laden opening stampede, last week's Barneys Co-op Atlantic Avenue opening caused quite a stir.

This morning, New York Post reporter Courtney Donahue made case for the first retail backlash we've heard yet with a story deck that read, Too Fat for Barneys? Our reporter can't fit into the largest size at new retailer.

The piece, based on the writer's for-naught fitting room experience with a ("sticker shock"-inducing) $315 silk watercolor cocktail dress by No. 6, went on to conclude that  "the new Barneys Coop in Atlantic Avenue is the perfect place for well-to-do Brooklyn fashionistas -- but you need more than money to shop there. You need hips like Kate Moss."

No. 6 Store reps declined to comment, but clearly shared our sentiments. Frankly, we were more incredulous over her incredulousness: If you've got sticker shock at finding a $315 silk dress, clearly Barneys is not where you should be shopping. Furthermore, Donahue's frustration over Barneys sizing in 1's, 2's, and 3's is innaccurate: No. 6 sizes that way, and if one were so intent on forsaking dozens of other label options available to shop it, one might note this going in.

Finally, Donahue seemed frustrated at creative director Simon Doonan's reported response that, “There are certain designers who are all about the body. Others make an easy fit. You might need to look at other designers that focus less on the body.”

We'd offer the same advice: Consider other options -- other styles, other fits -- before throwing up your hands and inditing an entire brand or label.

We're all for upping the size range of high-style, high-quality, items on the market. But we're also all for thoughtful reporting ... and aren't prone to shock over the fact that some things in some stores are intended to fit, well, who they fit.

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