Eater Tastings: Five Leaves Opens, a $1,500 Dinner, Chef-Inspired Poetry, More!

This week's top dish from Eater, Curbed's restaurant, bar, and nightlife blog...

1) Williamsburg/Greenpoint: Five Leaves, a pretty bar/restaurant (above) partly funded by the late Heath Ledger, opened its doors near McCarren Park.
2) Nolita: Travertine has succeeded where so many others have failed, winning CB approval for a liquor license for 19 Kenmare Street. Looks like that Bowery Presents (you got the e-mail, right?) endorsement helped.
3) Columbus Circle: What economic crisis? Check out this 20-course, $1,500-a-head dinner at Per Se.
4) Noho By Way of Chicago: Roses are red, violets are blue, we want to win tickets to Grant Achatz, and apparently so do you.
5) Everywhere: If you don't eat healthy, Shaq will back you down and dunk in your face.

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